Covering the whole facade of the Carreau du Temple in the middle of Paris, my other installation just went up yesterday.As a first time that the city hall allows an artist to work on this institutionnal and famous culture center, I'm excited to share this project and proud to spread my words loud…Named from St Exupery famous book "Le Petit Prince", "L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux" ("The essential is invisible to the eyes"), the piece is a discussion about technology and society, questioning values and respect, answering human dimension on earth.This work covers the Carreau du Temple during the @urbanartfair , opening tonight april 11th and running until next sunday April 14th.#thisisludo #ludo #paris #carreaudutempe #lessentielestinvisiblepourlesyeux #theessentialisinvisibletotheeyes #stexupery #tulips #barbewire #cctv #bouquet #2019